Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blood work

Back in September I went to the doctor to get tested for diabetes. My father has it so I get tested every once in a while. I got the results back and although I did not test positive for diabetes, two liver functions were elevated. My doctor then sent me to a specialist.

I went for more blood work and the same results; two elevated liver functions. I was told this could be from one of two things. 1. Alcohol 2. Bad diet and lack of exercise (fatty liver). Needless to say I was very nervous. I was thinking everything from a fatty liver to Cirrhosis of the liver. I was then sent for an ultrasound on my liver. I was sort of relieved when I was told I had a fatty liver. The doctor told me to cut back on the drinking, watch what I eat and exercise.

I went for more blood work on Saturday and just got the results today. The liver functions that were elevated are now down. The numbers that were in the danger zone are now in the good zone. Boy was I relieved. I did drastically cut back on the drinking, started eating a little healthier and exercised a little. This being the winter I was not able to go out for walks or bike rides so I did a little exercise in the house. When the warmer weather gets here I will be able to do more to get in shape and hopefully the numbers will go down even more.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bring on the Spring

With the few warm days we had last week and the mild weather this past weekend, I can't wait for spring. End of March should bring back the stripers. Opening day is less than 2 months away. Opening day of trout fishing that is. And spring turkey hunting is coming up. Not to mention the "other" opening day.

This March my friend and I are going to try our hand at Muskellunge (Musky) fishing. We are going to Monksville Reservoir in Long Pond Ironworks State Park, located in Hewitt, NJ. I have been there numerous times for bass fishing but never for Muskies. I have even gone ice fishing there. But I think my ice fishing days are over. I have always heard that Muskies are "the fish of a thousand casts". Do to the fact that they are very lure shy and it is hard to catch them. I guess I'll soon find out. Of course, if I get any I will post pictures here. Stay tuned....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ralph Dale Earnhardt, Sr.

I can't believe it is 8 years since the death of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. It seems like yesterday when it happened. As I watched the accident happen, I thought nothing of it as there are always wrecks in NASCAR. But, as soon as I heard how concerned Darell Waltrip was, I knew that it was bad. In no way did I think that he died. It wasn't until later on that a friend called and told me.

I left for a business trip to France for a week the next day and was bummed out. I wanted to stay home and watch all the TV coverage and specials because it was almost as if it were a close friend that had died. A week later and the coverage was still all over the TV. The next year I went to the spring race in Dover and on lap 3, as with all the other tracks, it was a lap of silence with everybody, and I mean everybody, holding up three fingers for the entire lap. It was a very moving and emotional lap that I will never forget. For at least one lap, there were no Gordon fans. No Rusty fans. No LaBonte fans, etc. There were 100,00 plus NASCAR fans all mourning the death of a NASCAR legend and icon.

After the race, my brother and I were walking around and we saw a merchandise trailer for Dale Earnhardt Sr. and people were signing it. I wanted to sign "See ya in racing heaven Dale, Sean". So many people had signed the trailer all I could fit was "See ya in heaven, SG". And I had to squeeze that in.

You will be forever missed Dale. #3

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Say Thank's not that hard.

I wish I had a nickle for every time I opened or held open a door for someone and they don't say "Thank you". I think that is one of the rudest things you could do. Are we all in that much of a hurry that we can't take a second to say thank you? Or is it just that people these days are rude and only out for themselves? I was raised to always say "Please" and "Thank you". I instill the same in my daughter. She may only be 4 but she has very good manners.

Another thing that irritates the hell out of me is when I am driving and let another driver go and they do not show any courtesy. They just go on their merry way as if it was my duty to let them go. It is so easy to just put your hand up and give it little "thank you wave". In my development the streets are narrow and there is parking on both sides. I have a pick-up truck so naturally me and a car can't pass at the same time. More than not I pull over and let the other person go and 3 out of 5 times no thank you. What's even worse than that, they speed up to try and beat me through. That pisses me off because there are a lot of kids in the area and a school right on said street.

I guess everybody is too wrapped up in their own little world that they can't take the time out to be courteous. I guess I expect too much of people.