Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Give Me Back My Christmas

Somewhere over the past few years, and I am not really sure when, our Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas cards etc. have become a "Holiday" tree, "Holiday" lights, "Holiday" cards etc. I have one question...why??? Apparently it is because we offend people of other religions. So now society wants us to omit the Christmas so as not to offend anybody.

So, I have one more question...what about all the Christians?? Does it not matter if they are offended?? Isn't a menorah still a menorah?? Isn't Hanukkah still Hanukkah?? Isn't Kwanzaa still Kwanzaa?? So why has Christmas become "Holiday"?? As a Catholic (albeit not a practicing one) I feel offended that my Christmas was taken away from me. I guess it doesn't matter because I am a white catholic so I am not a minority and do not have a special interest group looking out for my "well being".

I have even heard of some schools not serving hot cross buns because the "cross" is offensive to non-catholic students. Solution; turn the buns so they become hot "x" buns.

On a serious note- when will it stop? When have we become so sensitive that we have to find anything...and I mean anything to complain about. After all, isn't this nation "The Melting Pot"?? Where we supposedly accept people of all backgrounds, religions and cultures. So why are you turning my religious holiday onto yours?

Give me back MY Christmas!!