Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Schools going too far??

Yesterday day we sent Baileigh to school with her lunch just as we do every day. Beth gave her some candy corn for her snack. She loves candy corn and can't wait for Halloween to eat them. We never let her eat more than a couple.

Last night she told us her teacher would not let her eat them. She goes the YMCA's Hazlet Children's Achievement Center and they have a "No Candy Policy". What the hell is that!! She is OUR child and we PAY for her to go there, so if we feel that she can have a few candy corn, that that is our business, not theirs. I think this whole health issue is going waaay too far. Now I hear a school in NY is banning home baked goods for kids Birthdays. I remember as a kid looking forward to birthdays because you knew you were having cake, cookies, brownies etc. And it is not like we send Baileigh to school everyday with candy, this was the first time.

I guess the drug problems and gang problems are no longer a problem and the education system is so top notch and needs no more fixing that we can now focus all of our attention to candy and baked goods. If you want to combat the obesity problem plaguing our children, why not start at the children's home.

Yeah, I may not be the healthiest guy around nor do I eat healthy but I make sure Baileigh does. That's the problem, for some reason these days, parents want society to raise their children instead of themselves. I am not sure when this started happening but it is getting out of control. 30 years ago if you got fat it was your parents fault, not your friend's mom for sending cookies to school. The best part of the whole health battle is that people were upset that fast food restaurants were not posting the nutritional value of their food. Helloooooo!!!! It's fast food people, it ain't supposed to be healthy. There is probably more nutrition in the wrapper of a Big Mac then the burger itself. Well, I guess next week it'll be something else.