Thursday, September 29, 2011

What happened to 'Customer Service'

I was going through some bass rods and reels I haven't used in a while and getting them ready to put back in service. I came across a reel I haven't used in about 5 years or so, a Rhino bait cast reel model# RBC20. I don't exactly remember when or where I bought the reel but do remember using it a lot a liking it. It was an easy bait casting reel to cast. If any knows bait casting reels, they are not the easiest reel to cast.

While I was cleaning it and putting new line on I noticed that the spool adjustment cap (which later on I found out is really called a clutch adjustment knob) was missing. I e-mailed Zebco, the parent company of Rhino, the following e-mail:

'I have a Rhino bait cast reel model# RBC200 and I lost the spool adjustment cap. Would it be possible for you to send me a new one? If so, I have included my address. Please let me know either way. Thank you.'

3 days later, I receive this response from Zebco:

'We are sorry but this is a discontinued model and we no longer have the part available.'

I could not believe that was the response I got. The fact that the part is missing (which shouldn't have come off on it's own)makes the reel very difficult, if not impossible, to cast without getting a birds nest. So, I sent the following e-mail back to them:

'So that's it? You don't have one that is compatible? Or make any suggestions? Just sorry we can't help? Well, when it comes time to buy new rods and reels, I will have to look at some other brands.'

A little while later I get:

'We are sorry but we do not have one that is interchangeable for your reel. This reel has been discontinued since 2002. We would be happy to send one to you if we did. The reels made now are completely different. You might try 4R rod and reel at 317-773-7723. he carries some older parts and might have what you need.'

Why did it take threatening to buy another brand of rods and reels to have them tell me about 4R Rod and Reel? Why couldn't Zebco have just told me about them in their first response.

I guess days of Customer Service with a smile are long gone. Hell, I don't even need the smile, just some good old fashioned customer service.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years later......

It's hard to believe that the terrorist acts of 9-11-01 were 10 years ago. Just like most (if not all) Americans I still remember where I was when the events took place. I also remember the entire day as if it were only last year. It seemed that everything was put on hold for a day as we as a nation mourned the massive loss of life. Just like many, I was angry, scared, upset and confused by what had happened. To this day the New York skyline looks weird. I don't think I'll ever get used to the way it looks now.

This year, just like the past 9 years, I ask that everyone remember not only those heroes who gave their life that day (and continue to do so years later), but also the people who perished doing what they did everyday; going to work. It seems that they are all too often forgotten or not mentioned.

Also this year, my wife and I were faced with the task of explaining 9-11 to our 6 1/2 year old daughter. As I was explaining what had happened and how our country, as well as other countries, came together to mourn, I started to get teary eyed. I guess I always will. I think for the most part she understands what happened but doesn't fully understand why. It's hard to explain to a child why there are terrorists and why they want to do bad things to our country.

God bless all the firemen, policemen, EMTs and other first responders as well as all the civilians who perished on that day. But most of all, GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.