Thursday, June 26, 2008

Scary moment!!

Tuesday night we gave Baileigh a bath and as Beth (my wife) was getting her dressed, Baileigh started acting funny. She went limp and started to stare off into space. Beth called me into the room and I took Baileigh and headed into our bedroom to put her on the bed. I noticed right away that some thing was going on. My first thought was that she was choking. When I got her on the bed I checked to make sue she was breathing then told Beth to call 911. My mother-in-law is a nurse and she is usually the first person we call but I knew this was serious so I wanted the EMTs there right away. The second call was to “grandma the nurse” (who by the way got there at about the same time as the EMTs—go grandma!!).

As soon as the first police officer got there, Baileigh started to come around. The EMT’s were right behind him and right away they suspected a febrile seizure. As anyone who knows my daughter can tell you, she is not fond of any strangers and when she let the EMTs look at her and eventually carry her out to the ambulance, I knew she was not feeling well. Baileigh, Beth and her mom went in the ambulance to the hospital and my father-in-law and I followed in my truck. She was in the hospital from 9 P.M. to 12 A.M. getting all kinds of tests. Everything came back negative. She got the febrile seizure due to the rapid rise in her body temperature. She had a 103 degree fever.

When I was lying on the bed with her during the seizure, I did not know what was going on. It really sucks to watch your kid go through something like that and you are there but totally helpless. After telling my mother about it, she told me I had two febrile seizures as a child. One involving a fever around 106 degrees. They do run in the family.

I am happy to say that by Wednesday morning, Baileigh was back to her usual self. We went to Toys “R” Us and she got a few toys for being a good girl in the hospital then went to the doctor’s for a follow up. After the doctor checked her out and said she was 100%, we went home for a much anticipated and needed nap.

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin

I was very sad and shocked to hear about the passing of George Carlin. Although I thought in his later years he was too much of a "preacher" I still found him funny. Some of his material made you laugh and go "hmmmmm" at the same time. There are not too many people able to do that. I can watch "What am I doing in New Jersey" a hundred times in a row. One of my favorite lines from him was (when people starting wearing colored ribbons for every cause known to man) "I wear a brown ribbon, 'cause I don't give a shit about anything". LOL George Carlin you will be missed. Thank you for all the laughs. R.I.P.

Friday, June 20, 2008

White Stripes!!!

I just started to REALLY get into The White Stripes, although I have enjoyed listening to them for quite a while. Are they still together? If anyone hears that they are going on tour please let me know.


Took Baileigh (my daughter) fishing yesterday at Holmdel park pond in of course, Holmdel. I thought maybe we'd catch a fish or two. Boy was I wrong. We caught 8 sunnies. She even reeled in 4 on her own. Well, I held the pole but she did all the reeling herself. She even touched two of 'em. Not bad for a girl, huh? We had a blast and she was so excited when we caught them. I paid $4.25 for the bait but after seeing her reaction I would have paid $425. Maybe soon I will start her surf fishing for stripers, blues and fluke.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


This year my wife and I decided not to go on a typical week vacation anywhere. Instead, we are going to take a few days here and there and take my daughter to different places. So far we are going to the Crayola Factory, Sesame Place and the aquarium in Camden NJ. Not sure how many readers I have yet (if any), but if someone has any suggestions as to where to take a 3 1/2 year-old, please let me know. Of course I will be taking a day here and there for golf and fishing.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tiger unstoppable??

I just found out that Tiger Woods is done for the season with knee problems. I guess he is human after all. :-) Well, maybe not, he did win the US Open with torn knee ligaments. Ouch, my knees hurt just reading about that. Although I am a Phil Mickelson fan, I started to like Tiger.

A Newbie

I am new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me. I will fill this site with very important stuff (well, important to me). You may find it useful, helpful or just a waste of time but hopefully get a chuckle or learn something along the way. I will try to get to it as much as possible but I have a 3 1/2 year-old daughter who takes up much of my time. Oh yeah, and I will be bragging about her a lot. :-) Stay tuned.....